E-portfolio environment design principles in practice: A case study of a collaborative project in technology teacher education

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Richard Edwards


The design of an e-portfolio environment is key to its effectiveness. This paper explores the usefulness of a set of guiding questions for e-portfolio design through their application to a collaborative design project in a primary technology teacher education course. The responses to the design questions highlight the importance of considering the e-portfolio in the context of the environment in which it will be used. A number of key factors affecting implementation emerged from the case study: task design, supporting infrastructure, providing appropriate support, and the nature of the students themselves. 

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How to Cite
Edwards, R. (2015). E-portfolio environment design principles in practice: A case study of a collaborative project in technology teacher education. Australasian Journal of Technology Education, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.15663/ajte.v2i1.32